Controlled-Rearing Papers
Wood & Wood, 2021
One-shot object parsing in newborn chicks
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
Wood & Wood, 2021
Distorting Face Representations in Newborn Brains
Cognitive Science
Wood & Wood, 2020
One-shot learning of view-invariant object representations in newborn chicks.
Wood et al., 2019
Automated study challenges the existence of a foundational statistical-learning ability in newborn chicks
Psychological Science
Wood & Wood, 2019
Using automation to combat the replication crisis: A case study from controlled-rearing studies of newborn chicks
Infant Behavior and Development
Prasad, Wood, & Wood, 2019
Using automated controlled rearing to explore the origins of object permanence
Developmental Science
Wood & Wood, 2018
The development of invariant object recognition requires visual experience with temporally smooth objects
Cognitive Science
Wood, 2017
Spontaneous preference for slowly moving objects in visually naïve animals
Open Mind
Wood & Wood, 2017
Measuring the speed of newborn object recognition in controlled visual worlds
Developmental Science
Wood, 2016
A smoothness constraint on the development of object recognition
Wood, Prasad, Goldman, & Wood, 2016
Enhanced learning of natural visual sequences in newborn chicks
Animal Cognition
Wood & Wood, 2016
The development of newborn object recognition in fast and slow visual worlds
Proceedings of the Royal Society B
Goldman & Wood, 2015
An automated controlled-rearing method for studying the origins of movement recognition in newly hatched chicks
Animal Cognition
Wood & Wood, 2015
Face recognition in newly hatched chicks at the onset of vision.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition
Wood & Wood, 2015
A chicken model for studying the emergence of invariant object recognition
Frontiers in Neural Circuits
Wood, 2015
Characterizing the information content of a newly hatched chick's first visual object representation
Developmental Science
Wood, 2014
Newly hatched chicks solve the visual binding problem
Psychological Science
Wood, 2013
Newborn chickens generate invariant object representations at the onset of visual object experience